This post is a tribute to a God-fearing Widow, who placed her hope in God until her last day here on earth. She passed away this past Monday at 11:30am, after recovering from hip surgery, her body was weakened do to the fact that she was 94 years old! I had the joy of getting to know her this past year and I'm thankful for her Godly Example of perseverance till the end. We rejoice knowing that she is with her Savior, Christ and will experience the joy of His presence forever-more!
It's humbling and sobering and a celebration all mixed together. I'm not sure how to explain that, but we know that she is with her Maker and is without pain, sorrow, and sin! A place we all long to be one day! I am reminded of how the Psalmist warns that are days are numbered and that in fact they are but vapor. I live sometimes with the thoughts that I'm invincible and that this life will always be go on like it is now...yet, how can this be true? I'm thankful that God has better plans for us, that which do include-death b/c we are reminded that this life right now is NOT our Home, for those who have trusted in Christ for Salvation! There is eternity awaiting and it's nearer then ever!
Ms. Minnie prayed and wet her pillow with tears that her family would believe in Christ finished work on the Cross and repent and believe that Jesus came to live, conquer sin and death, and rise Victoriously from the grave! Her family hasn't not shown to have had fruit of faith and how she has longed for their salvation in tears and prayers!!
What an example!
May we follow in her example, and pray and admonish our loved ones who don't believe in the Gospel and may God grant us the grace to pray on for Ms. Minnie's behalf for her family to believe and place their hope in Christ! The Funeral was today, and our Pastor Ryan Fullerton shared the Gospel Message in boldness declaring the glories of God and and the judgment that will come on those who don't know Christ. Pray that the Lord would use the truth that was spoken in the service to pentrate the hearts who heard to turn to the Living God in repentence and full trust in Christ!!! May it not have fallen on deaf ears, but may the truth draw sinners to a faithful Savior and Father who is gracious to save many!
Praise God for allowing me to see and example of perseverance of Faith till the end in a 94-year old Widow...I love the grace that was given to Ms. Minnie because it has drawn me back to my living God, who hears our prayers and offers free grace to sinners, for which I am the worst! May we live with eternal perspective, that our days are numbered...and as a result live radical life's of Love, Faith, and Hope, for the glory of God!
Hey anna! I found your blog via facebook and wanted to say hi. Good tribute to Ms Minnie - she's having way more fun than we are now! :) kristie
hi kristie! i didn't know you and john had a blog!:) so fun! thanks for the comment! i'll have to start reading your blog...see you sunday am!
oh ms. minnie! so encouraged by her faith! good post anna!
Hay Anna, I found your blog. I really like it. Thanks for inviting me last night, it was fun.
Talk to you later, Anna-Marie.
Anna~ I remember you talking about Ms. Minnie! Thanks for sharing a tidbit of her life with blogger world...a real inspiration! My prayers are lifted for her love ones to submit to God and trust in Jesus personally! Wish I were there to give you a HUGE hug! I love you LOTS and LOTS!!! ~Aimee
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