Friday, March 14, 2008

the perscuted church...

Here's a website that helps awareness of what is going on around the world! It breaks us from our little "bubble" in the west and shows us what God is up to around the world! Check it out! And join and be a member in order to see latest news and prayer request! Even though we may not be able to go overseas right now to share our hope in Christ, we have a huge role to play in praying for the ones who are risking their life's in dangerous areas abroad! I pray that God would grow our vision for His heart for the Nations and that we would be obedient in prayer...that the Lord would be exalted among all the Nations...and in that His Kingdom would come! For Christ is the Hope of the Nations and God is gracious in drawing His children to Himself and He won't stop till He gathers His people to worship Him!

I have a desire to "Go" to the Nations...I'm not sure what that will look like? If that means the Lord wants me to be faithful to mobilize His heart for the Nations state-side and be intentional with "loving my neighbor" here, or perhaps He has a place for me over-seas!? I do love cultures and learning from those who are different from me! Please pray that the Lord would direct my steps for my future...for His glory, I pray!

"Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in all the earth!" -Psalm 46:10

What will be your part in advancing His kingdom? Will it be through the faithful work you do at your job, school, neighborhood, in your family and at your church (all given through His grace and the "good gifts He has prepared in advance for us to walk in")? This to is how His Kingdom is advanced...through His children being faithful to proclaim Him in place He has placed us! Perhaps it will be to "Go"! This has been an increasing desire of mine ever since I hit my college days...for now it's time to wait and see what the Lord has. Perhaps a better question is not "If I will go" but "When will I go?" May He give us a heart that is willing to risk our life...knowing we are not our own and are called to declare His name to all the earth! May He give "the persecuted church" boldness to share the Gospel and joy in Him in the midst of pain and struggle...knowing our destiny...that forever we will be with our King!! How can our mouths not share this hope we have!? And how often I am quick to not speak at all! May God give our hearts compassion for the lost and in truth and in love point them to our Christ! Oh, I need more grace to be faithful to share the Gospel where God has placed me today! Here's some truth in God's Word to remind us of our living hope...may He use His Word to change our hearts and that would change how we live! For His glory....lets be prayer worriers for the persecuted church!

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." -1 Peter 1:3-7


Anonymous said...

Great post! So inspirational! You are one of my very favorite writers!

~ Ali

Rob Bailey said...

Sometimes you don't need to wait and see when you will "go," you just have to "go." In light of the two subjects of this post, going and persecution; I will tell you for sure that if you go you will be persecuted. The Lord teaches you many things about Himself and yourself if you do it. One of my greatest times of growth was preaching in Burma as Buddhists threw rocks at us. Go.

Jana said...

Great post girl! I enjoyed reading your blog--glad I found it!

Anna said...

thanks for the comments...and fun to see you in the blog-world, Jana! i'll have to check your blog out too!:)