Tuesday, November 27, 2007

ONE more day to go!

It's hard to believe that this semester will be OVER by TOMORROW (wed)! God has been so gracious to me to carry me through! I have been in school since the age of 5, so almost 20 years!! Which is crazy to think about b/c school has never been "my thing"...for purposes unknown to me, God sees this the best fit way to sanctify me for His glory! Therefore, though it has had its hard patches...I see it has been for my good.

So, looking ahead to my J-term class (3 day class from 8am-8pm in January!) I got excited to see what books I would get to buy and read for it! I LOVE to read and I LOVE to collect books for my library, (so maybe that's why this school thing has been working for me for so long!?)

The class I'll take is called, Gender, Marriage, and Sexuality w/ my professor Dr. Scott(click on his name). Which I must say, I am very thankful for his teaching! He makes it so Christ-center and practical!

Anywho, here's my list of books I need for the class (click on the book if you want to check it out on amazon for yourself):

I have only 1 of those books already! So, looks like I've get to hit the bookstore soon! I better start this reading and planning for the class this coming week! We have some assignments that will be do at the start of the class (January 22nd)! ...I must say, I am thankful for this time the Lord has given...that He has called me to study and better understand Him and learn how to point myself and His people to Christ! I must praise God for this time He has sovereignly planned for me...don't you hate it when you start to forget that His purposes are Higher and Far better than mine!? I have to admit, eariler today I was forgetting this truth and being a little complainer!

Oh Father, Help my unbelief! Let me be thankful for every season you bring and find rest that you know what is best!

Here's a nice Hymn...May this be our Prayer:

"Guide Me, O thou Great Jehovah! Pilgrim through this barren land! Iam weak but thou art mighty. Hold me with thy pow'rful hand. Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more.
Open now the crystal fountain. Whence, the healing streams do flow. Let the firey, cloudy pillar. Lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliv'rer, strong Deliv'rer, Be thou still my strength and shield.
Feed me with the heavn'ly manna. In this barren wilderness. Be my sword and shield, and banner. Be my robe of righteousness. Fight and conquer; fight and conquer, All my foes by sov'reign grace.
When I pass through death's dark shadow. Bid my anxious fears subside. Death of deaths, and hell's destruction. Lead me safe on heaven's side. Songs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to thee."

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