Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right
1. Whate’er my God ordains is right, Holy His will abideth.
I will be still whate’er He does, And follow where He guideth.
He is my God, Though dark my road.
He holds me that I shall not fall
Wherefore to Him I leave it all
2. Whate’er my God ordains is right, He never will deceive me
He leads me by the proper path, I know He will not leave me
I take, content,What He hath sent
His hand can turn my griefs away
And patiently I wait His day
3. Whate’er my God ordains is right,Though now this cup in drinking
May bitter seem to my faint heart, I take it all unshrinking
My God is true, Each morn anew
Sweet comfort yet shall fill my heart
And pain and sorrow shall depart
4. Whate’er my God ordains is right, Here shall my stand be taken
Though sorrow, need, or death be mine, Yet I am not forsaken
My Father’s care Is round me there
He holds me that I shall not fall
And so to Him I leave it all
©1998 David Braud Music
Great hymn!!! Now where are your birthday pictures!??! I love you lots and enjoyed talking with you the other night! You are always so encouraging!!!
I love you Anna! Great hymn!
~ Ali
Yay for putting that picture on here - I think it's absolutely breathtaking!
Still waiting for pictures!!!
tap tap tap...tap tap tap
Kidding about the urgency thing of course, but I really would love to see some new pictures from your birthday and/or life in Kentucky!!!
Love you lots and lots!!!
thanks for the comments, my faithful ones!:)
and yes, Aimee--> I will be writing a New post sometime this weekend! it's been busy with trying to finish this semester! we are done the first week of May!!eeeeee...:) I will add LOTS of pics! I have some from my birthday weekend and from some spring pics too!! Thanks for checking up on me!
love you guys so much!
Hey Anna~ Remember back in the old days when you and April had a paper in a ziplock baggie in your shower that defined the traits of a safe friend!?!?! Do you know where that is now!?!? If so, post a copy on your blog for me, kay! I could use that right now!
Love you lots!!! ~Aimee
PS Lonnie's talk went great! I enjoyed seeing the Lord use him!!! Thanks for checking up on us and being available! You're a sweetie!
Aim- i don't have that paper anymore! i have no idea what happend to it? i'll give you a call right now! glad Lon's talk went well! i was praying for him! love you:)
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